Social profile pages of real people for advertisement launch at Facebook/Google ads
Facebook and Google accounts rent
• Without chekpoint problems
• Without ban problems
• Without low trust problems
Social profile pages of real people for advertisement launch at facebook ads
Rent accounts get chekpoints much rarer. But if an account is dropped out to the checkpoint the owner of the account helps to solve the problem quickly and you continue your work
Due to high quality accounts work 2 weeks to 3 months, with no trouble
Rent accounts can be connected to several Business Managers. In case of advertisement profile block it is possible to launch advertisement from a new Business Manager
Longevity of the account
No ban problems
Why AD PANDA accounts are the best?
We carry out free account replacements in some cases, for example if checkpoint problem was failed to be solved
Our support resolves any problems with owners of the accounts. You don't need to contact the owner even if an account got a checkpoint, we'll do that for you
We don't take a fixed payment amount for each account, you pay for an account while you use it
Replacement guarantee
AD Panda - Support
Weekly payment
No chekpoint problems
What are the advantages of our accounts?
Several Business Managers are possible to be connected
You indicate how many accounts and for what period you need, execute payment according to the price list, and get accounts
After accounts we send you all the necessary instructions and recommendations on work with the account. You study them and begin work right after that
On the rent expiry day our Support Manager will contact you to agree on the list of accounts that will get extension for a new period
Support Online
Our Support Manager not only solves the problems with accounts, but also will give you advice on an optimal work scheme, on what proxies should be used, where to buy Business Managers, and etc